[Trash and Yard Waste] [Residential Recycling] [Commercial and Institutional Recycling] [Household Hazardous Waste]
Residential Recycling
Township Ordinance No. 89-03 Codified under Chapter 107-5.2 of the Bensalem Township Codified Code requires all residents as well as commercial and institutional entities to have solid waste, recycling and yard waste collection service. Chapter 107-5.2, prohibits the dumping of municipal waste or source-seperated recyclables and prohibits the burning of any source-separated materials including leaf and yard waste. Any person who shall violate any provision of the Ordinance can be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs, and in default of payment of fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days.
Under the "Solid Waste Management Act" and the 'Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Acts" of 1988, Bensalem Township requires that materials be recycled. Since refuse removal in Bensalem is through private haulers, these haulers are required to remove recyclable materials based on the schedule they provide for you when you contract with them for services.
For more information on rules and regulations of recycling in our community, visit this website
Private Collection
In Bensalem Township, trash collection and recycling is provided through private haulers and residents are required to purchase their own service. Trash haulers in Bensalem Township must provide both trash and recycling collection as part of the normal collection fee. They also must provide at least one collection each of leaves and garden materials, tree trimmings, and Christmas trees.
Township Ordinance No. 89-03 Codified under Chapter 107-5.2 of the Bensalem Township Codified Code requires all residents as well as commercial and institutional entities to have solid waste, recycling and yard waste collection service. Chapter 107-5.2, prohibits the dumping of municipal waste or source-seperated recyclables and prohibits the burning of any source-separated materials including leaf and yard waste. Any person who shall violate any provision of the Ordinance can be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs, and in default of payment of fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days.
Under the "Solid Waste Management Act" and the 'Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Acts" of 1988, Bensalem Township requires that materials be recycled. Since refuse removal in Bensalem is through private haulers, these haulers are required to remove recyclable materials based on the schedule they provide for you when you contract with them for services.
For more information on rules and regulations of recycling in our community, visit this website
Private Collection
In Bensalem Township, trash collection and recycling is provided through private haulers and residents are required to purchase their own service. Trash haulers in Bensalem Township must provide both trash and recycling collection as part of the normal collection fee. They also must provide at least one collection each of leaves and garden materials, tree trimmings, and Christmas trees.