Stormwater Management
How Can You Help?
Contact the Township at 215-633-3652 to report any pollution incident that is impacting stormwater sewers, surface water or any Township Waterways!
You might be wondering with all that goes on in a Township, why stormwater management merits its own navigational button on our homepage. The reason is that the proper management of stormwater is one of the most important functions of the Township. It is one of our most important jobs as it is directly related to the quality of our water. Water quality is important not just for fish and for other wildlife, it is critically important to our own health and welfare.
People have learned not to simply capture stormwater from rainfalls and to discharge it into our streams. This is detrimental to us and our environment in a number of ways. This out-dated method of stormwater management creates the following damage:
Fails to recharge our aquifers
Causes downstream flooding
Erodes the stream banks and scours the stream bed
Dumps sediment and pollutants into our streams
People have learned that stormwater management not only impacts downstream flooding, but it has great impacts on our environment. One method of stormwater management that minimizes the impact of development on the environment is infiltration. Bensalem Township has been in the forefront of this type of stormwater management and has been requiring it of developments for the past five years.
Thus, you will see in our newer developments, infiltration berms, basins and other state-of-the art stormwater management devices. They are designed to mimic "Mother Nature" as closely as possible in terms of getting the water back into the ground and in their appearance. When properly designed, constructed and maintained, these features can be attractive amenities in a new neighborhood.
The Township regulates stormwater management through two different "programs". The first is through its regulations for new development as mentioned above. The second is through the permit we must maintain with the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) through the National Pollution and Discharge Elimination System Phase II (NPDES)/Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). This new permit is a Federal requirement that is administered by the different States. The Township is required to not only regulate the activities of developers, but to manage its own storm water facilities in such a way as not to pollute our streams. We must also have an active public participation and education component in the program.
So stormwater management is not only critical to our environment, it is critical to our own health and well-being. It is also a complicated matter involving all levels of government, new development and private citizens. In short, it is the responsibility of all of us.
For more information on the Township's stormwater management responsibilities and programs, please contact the Township Manager. For more information on stormwater management, please use the links below as a starting point to understand the program and see how you can help.
Department of Environmental Protection Stormwater Management
Villanova University Stormwater Management Information
EPA Stormwater Management
How Can You Help With Stormwater - Volunteer
You Can Help Managing Stormwater By Volunteering:
Participate in a stream or creek cleanup with in the Township.
Plant trees along a stream or creek.
Stencil storm drains with warnings about dumping.
Organize a neighborhood pollution watch.
* If you are interested in any of these programs contact Ron Gans at the Township - [email protected]
Students can earn community service hours!!!!
More Information on Stormwater Management
Click below on some informational articles on Stormwater Management:
Stormwater and Construction
Stormwater and How it Flows
Keeping Households Healthy
Fish Really do Grow on Trees
Illicit Discharge Detection
What Is the MS4 Program?
Find out what the Township must do to comply with Stormwater Management mandate under the state MS4 program.
What is the MS4 Program?
Public Education and Outreach
Public Participation/Involvement
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post-Construction Runoff Control
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
Click below for more information on the MS4 program:
NPDES Permit Program Basics
EPA MS4 Fact Sheets
EPA Stormwater Program Overview
SW BMPs Menu
DEP SW Management
DEP Southeast Regional Office
Bucks County Conservation District
How Can You Help?
Contact the Township at 215-633-3652 to report any pollution incident that is impacting stormwater sewers, surface water or any Township Waterways!
You might be wondering with all that goes on in a Township, why stormwater management merits its own navigational button on our homepage. The reason is that the proper management of stormwater is one of the most important functions of the Township. It is one of our most important jobs as it is directly related to the quality of our water. Water quality is important not just for fish and for other wildlife, it is critically important to our own health and welfare.
People have learned not to simply capture stormwater from rainfalls and to discharge it into our streams. This is detrimental to us and our environment in a number of ways. This out-dated method of stormwater management creates the following damage:
Fails to recharge our aquifers
Causes downstream flooding
Erodes the stream banks and scours the stream bed
Dumps sediment and pollutants into our streams
People have learned that stormwater management not only impacts downstream flooding, but it has great impacts on our environment. One method of stormwater management that minimizes the impact of development on the environment is infiltration. Bensalem Township has been in the forefront of this type of stormwater management and has been requiring it of developments for the past five years.
Thus, you will see in our newer developments, infiltration berms, basins and other state-of-the art stormwater management devices. They are designed to mimic "Mother Nature" as closely as possible in terms of getting the water back into the ground and in their appearance. When properly designed, constructed and maintained, these features can be attractive amenities in a new neighborhood.
The Township regulates stormwater management through two different "programs". The first is through its regulations for new development as mentioned above. The second is through the permit we must maintain with the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) through the National Pollution and Discharge Elimination System Phase II (NPDES)/Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). This new permit is a Federal requirement that is administered by the different States. The Township is required to not only regulate the activities of developers, but to manage its own storm water facilities in such a way as not to pollute our streams. We must also have an active public participation and education component in the program.
So stormwater management is not only critical to our environment, it is critical to our own health and well-being. It is also a complicated matter involving all levels of government, new development and private citizens. In short, it is the responsibility of all of us.
For more information on the Township's stormwater management responsibilities and programs, please contact the Township Manager. For more information on stormwater management, please use the links below as a starting point to understand the program and see how you can help.
Department of Environmental Protection Stormwater Management
Villanova University Stormwater Management Information
EPA Stormwater Management
How Can You Help With Stormwater - Volunteer
You Can Help Managing Stormwater By Volunteering:
Participate in a stream or creek cleanup with in the Township.
Plant trees along a stream or creek.
Stencil storm drains with warnings about dumping.
Organize a neighborhood pollution watch.
* If you are interested in any of these programs contact Ron Gans at the Township - [email protected]
Students can earn community service hours!!!!
More Information on Stormwater Management
Click below on some informational articles on Stormwater Management:
Stormwater and Construction
Stormwater and How it Flows
Keeping Households Healthy
Fish Really do Grow on Trees
Illicit Discharge Detection
What Is the MS4 Program?
Find out what the Township must do to comply with Stormwater Management mandate under the state MS4 program.
What is the MS4 Program?
Public Education and Outreach
Public Participation/Involvement
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post-Construction Runoff Control
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
Click below for more information on the MS4 program:
NPDES Permit Program Basics
EPA MS4 Fact Sheets
EPA Stormwater Program Overview
SW BMPs Menu
DEP SW Management
DEP Southeast Regional Office
Bucks County Conservation District